Starlet Lee

Starlet Therapies LLC.

A stress management company that utilizes massage therapy to relieve stress and pain of individuals and work groups.

Starlet Therapies LLC.

offers corporate wellness events and personalized in office appointments.
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Let’s Grow!!!

Always stay connected and up to date!

Starlet Lee 


HiStory Marker’s

'Shining the Lord’s Light,'

a collaborative effort featuring 400

individuals sharing their testimonies of God's greatness.

His wonder-working ways remain constant, today, tomorrow, and forever. 


 New E-Book available for purchase starting


“September 16, 2024.”

Reserve Your E-Book Here

Starlet Lee

is an Ambassador for

HiStory Maker’s

“Shining the Lord’s Light”.

This form is for Team Members only.

  1. You will share your testimonial and take responsibility for a portion of the e-book, by selling 100 copies by September 16, 2024, as part of HiStory Makers' “Shining The Lord’s Light.”

  2. After submitting this form, you’ll receive an email with instructions to send your 250-word testimony.

  3. Your testimonial will be edited with ChatGPT AI and returned to you for approval to ensure it accurately conveys your message.

  4. I will then create your digital card, which will be sent to 100 or more recipients. This card will include a link to reserve the e-book on Monday, September 16, 2024. You will be paid 10% of each book you sell through the affiliate program.

  5. Our goal is to achieve 40,000 downloads in one day and spread the Good News of what only the Lord can accomplish. Together, we will be real-life HiStory Makers!

Order Your Rich Digital Card Here